401 Clovis Ave STE 204
Clovis, CA 93612
If you own your own business or run the marketing arm of a non-profit, you know just how hard it can be to drive customer or client interaction via social media. How do you connect with your audience that is already being bombarded with advertising? One way is to make THEM the star. Particularly with platforms like Instagram where you can easily repost, tag, run a contest and even administer a loop contest if you want to partner up with other organizations or businesses. Here are four tips on how to engage your followers:
1) Regram the heck outta stuff (or user-generated content): OK, I’m still old school and think “pound symbol” vs. “hashtag” when I see the symbol #. BUT I know I feel much more connected as a follower if my post is regrammed or retweeted. Involve your clients by advertising them using your products or services. After all, they obviously support you or they wouldn’t have tagged you! Fans feel supported and find trust in seeing real people use your real products.
2) Tis the season for giveaways: Yes, people will always love free stuff. As I mentioned above, try partnering with another similar business or organization and create a loop contest (if using Instagram). Encourage followers tag several friends, follow each profile within the loop and regram the contest photo on their profile. This is an EXCELLENT way for your business or organization to gain new exposure.
3) Bring a friend: If you’re hosting events, offer extra raffle tickets for the people that bring guests. One extra raffle ticket per guest brought will really increase your numbers.
4) A special gift: I recently ran a report on our top 100 customers within the last year and decided to send them a personalized thank you e-mail, offering them a credit and special local gift for them to pick up before a certain date. So far the response has been immensely positive! If you’re able, run a quick report on your top customer or client base, send them a personal message and offer them a small local gift. You may be surprised at the appreciation you get in return.
Posted on 12/07/2015 at 12:00 AM
401 Clovis Ave STE 204,
Clovis, CA 93612
Phone. 559-472-3285
Email. info@industrystandardinc.com